Next-generation unified suite for airborne EW self-protection.
Light Spear
Electronic attack & self-protection system for airborne, ground & maritime platforms. Light Spear is a compact EW system based on multiple DRFM channels, working in parallel and covering a wide spectrum.
Micro Spear
Micro SPEAR - the latest addition to the SPEAR family - is an extremely compact Electronic Warfare (EW) system for Electronic Attack (EA), Self-Protection (SP) and Electronic Support (ES). Due to its minimal size, weight, and power requirements, the system is ideal for small and micro platforms, without decreasing mission capabilities or flight duration - for small airborne, ground and maritime platforms.
Air Keeper
Conventional intelligence gathering aircraft do not carry soft-kill EW measures and are thus less effective in closing the sensor-to-shooter loop. The combined capabilities of intelligence gathering and EW soft-kill enable powerful control over the electromagnetic spectrum. These capacities onboard a single platform provide enhanced versatility for a wide range of mission types according to customer needs, combining operational elements – ESM/ELINT, ECM, COMINT, COMJAM and Command and Control (C2) – all operated and managed by a single entity onboard a platform.
Elbit Systems EW & SIGINT-Elisra's COMINT/DF (Direction Finding) solutions overcome the challenges of highly dense electromagnetic environments, effectively coping with sophisticated advanced communications systems in the entire frequency range. Delivering SIGINT-based complete order of battle for land, sea, and air.
A unique, compact and lightweight Solid State Phased Array (SSPA) transmitter, covering all airborne, ground and naval platforms.
Starlink is a point-to-point full duplex Time Division Duplexing (TDD) digital data link system, specifically designed for use with midi and mini-Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS). A single channel handles both uplink Command and Control, and downlink Video and Telemetry data transmissions.
Aircrew Mobile Simulation and Training Field (AMSTF), providing pilots with a realistic simulation “Train as you Fight” environment. This system creates a full-spectrum, multi-threat simulations of current and future threats: radar-based weapon systems, MANPADS and laser-guided weapons.