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Helmet Mounted Displays (HMD)


Wide field of view, color, binocular HMD for helicopter pilots. Fusing active sensor data with tactical flight and mission data, X-Sight creates an overlay of intuitive, 3D conformal symbology and Synthetic Vision Symbology (SVS), presented on top of visual sensor imagery.



Helmet Display and Tracking System. The HDTS system offers a hybrid head-tracking capability that enhances crew coordination and improves the pilot’s targeting and cueing capabilities. The hybrid tracker enables the HDTS to slave the helicopter’s systems to the pilots’ Line-Of-Sight (LOS) while displaying Electro-Optic Payload (EOP), weapon systems, and the co-pilot’s LOS symbols. The Tracker can be seamlessly installed on operational systems.



From the same house, with 20 years of operational experience, comes JHMCS II, operationally ready for day and night conditions, and equipped with advanced color and video display capabilities.



Specifically designed for today’s areas of operation and tomorrow’s operational demands; the TARGO-II system delivers color as well as day and night capabilities at the lowest cost.



A seamless digital upgrade to the renowned market leader, Digital JHMCS offers advanced capabilities in an affordable package. With minimal installation requirements, and using the aircraft’s current tracker and display hardware, pilots will enjoy the improved day and night capabilities while utilizing the most modern technology.


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As the aerial battlefield becomes more advanced and complex, daytime HMD capabilities are becoming increasingly critical for nighttime operations. The simple addition of a Night Display Adaptor and Digital Eyepiece enables pilots to seamlessly transition from day to night, while in flight, applying full HMD day capabilities to night flights.

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