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E-LynXTM Soldier Radio

E-LynX PNR-1000 is a powerful SDR platform designed specifically to support dismounted soldiers over any terrain type. A sophisticated protocol for media access and concurrent transmission methodology with a unique self-synchronization technique enables each radio in the network to automatically and rapidly synchronize with any other radio operating in the same network, without the use of an external synchronization source (e.g., GPS signal or masters station).

E-LynX<sup>TM</sup> Soldier Radio

E-LynXTM Handheld

E-LynX HH is a multi-band, multi-waveform and multi-role tactical SDR. The radio operates in VHF and UHF bands continuously and featuring GPS-independent synchronization for all operating modes. This future-proof 5W Handheld SDR offers seamless communications and situational awareness, while utilizing unprecedented immunity (ECCM) and communications security (COMSEC) for a multitude of missions and applications.

E-LynX<sup>TM</sup> Handheld


Part of the E-LynX family, the E-LynX SAT tactical solution provides satellite on-the-move secure communication (SATCOM) using standard Ka-band GEO satellites. Utilizing active Ka-band phased-array antennas for both transmission and reception, the E-LynX SAT eliminates the need for mechanical tracking systems.

E-LynX<sup>TM</sup> SAT

E-LynXTM Manpack

E-LynX MP is a multi-band, multi-waveform and multi-role tactical single fit Manpack SDR. This future-proof 10W Manpack SDR offers seamless communications and situational awareness, while utilizing unprecedented immunity (ECCM) and communications security (COMSEC) for a multitude of missions and applications. Combat.

E-LynX<sup>TM</sup> Manpack

E-LynXTM HH Vehicular

E-LynX HH Single Channel Vehicular Radio is a multi-band, multi-waveform and multi-role tactical single fit vehicular SDR. The radio operates in VHF and UHF bands continuously while also covering L Band and featuring GPS-independent synchronization for all operating modes.

E-LynX<sup>TM</sup> HH Vehicular

E-LynXTM MP Vehicular Dual Channel

E-LynX MP Dual Channel Vehicular Radio supports simultaneous operation of narrow band tactical waveforms as well as high data rate wide band waveforms, providing a dynamic solution adapted to any terrain or mission. As a modular expansion of the E-LynX MP Which extended the communication range while maintaining dismounted operational capabilities, the E-LynX MP Dual Channel Vehicular Radio is a true force multiplier, providing a decisive advantage on the battlefield.

E-LynX<sup>TM</sup> MP Vehicular Dual Channel

E-LynXTM MP Vehicular Single Channel

Elbit Systems’ E-LynX MP Single Channel Vehicular Radio is a multi-band, multi-waveform and multi-role tactical single fit vehicular SDR, designed specifically to support combat land/maritime forces over any terrain type. The radio operates in VHF and UHF bands continuously while also covering L Band and featuring GPS-independent synchronization for all operating modes.

E-LynX<sup>TM</sup> MP Vehicular Single Channel


E-LynX VIC-500IP is a 3rd generation vehicular intercommunication system, based on Elbit Systems’ proven Software Defined Radio (SDR) platform. The decentralized, IP-based architecture enables seamless connectivity with legacy and IP-based radios, as well as with routing and voice services.

E-LynX<sup>TM</sup> VIC-500 IP


VHF Hand-held based radio family for multi-mission communications. Designed specifically to meet the challenges of multiple- force engagements, the Tadiran CNR-710 offers ground, sea, and air units VHF frequency band coverage and waveforms – enabling simple and secure voice and data communications with a wide range of forces, units and stations, from a single R/T unit.



A Multi-band radio family for multi-mission communications. CNR-710MB offers ground, sea, and air units wide frequency band coverage and waveforms – enabling simple and secure voice and data communications with a wide range of forces, units and stations, from a single R/T unit.



Advanced battle-proven VHF/FM COMSEC/ECCM radio systems for reliable voice and data communications. Tadiran CNR-9000’s reliability, ease-of-use and flexibility make it a VHF/FM radio system of choice. Its capabilities include sophisticated features such as powerful error correction, frequency hopping and encryption.



Featuring an extended communication range, CNR-9000HDR /IP RADIO is a VHF/FM COMSEC/ECCM radio system for reliable voice and high-speed data communications.


ELSAT 2100

Low-profile, high-throughput military tri-band SOTM antenna

ELSAT 2100


Compact, low-profile Ku/Ka/X Bands SATCOM antenna for tactical vehicles.



Frequency-hopping multi-channel radio relay with powerful anti-jamming capabilities. Tadiran GRC-2000 is a state-of-the-art, field-proven, ECCM line-of-sight (LOS) multi-channel radio (MCR).



ECCM, Ultra-high capacity, IP and multi-interface radio relay system for tactical communications. GRX-8000 is the latest generation NATO Band IV, Dual Mode - High Capacity (HC) mode and Freq. Hopping (FH) mode line-of-sight broadband radio relay system developed by Elbit Systems.



Combat-proven and multi-adaptive HF radio systems for reliable communications. Powerful key features which make the Tadiran HF-6000 adaptable to every arena include: MIL-STD ALE and AutoCall, Digital active squelch, Selective calling, Data communications, COMSEC, ECCM, GPS, Vocoder, Dual frequency, Burst, Adaptive data transmission and Adaptive power control.



Most advanced SDR, multi-adaptive IP HF radio system for digital and analog voice and high-speed data communications. Tadiran HF-8000 radio system – designed to surpass the traditional limitations of HF communications – delivers superior HF performance, maintaining uninterrupted data and voice communications on the battlefield.



Active noise reduction tactical helmet, improving the operational efficiency of AFV personnel. Specifically designed for use by armored vehicle personnel, the HU-500 line of helmets offers crew members an unparalleled combination of active noise reduction (ANR), superior protection and utmost comfort.



Personal Network Radio – Full-duplex voice and data conferencing. Tadiran PNR-500 provides voice and data communications over a 1500-meter range in a variety of operational environments, including urban, woodland, open and mixed terrain. Rarely found in equipment of this class, the radio’s light weight, long range and comprehensive feature set make it an important component in mission success.


ETE - Field Telephony Solution

Elbit Systems’ family of tactical telephony solutions are designed for the company, battalion and brigade levels and include the latest-generation of tactical telephony exchanges and field telephones. These solutions are rapidly deployed, easy-to-operate and cost-effective.

ETE - Field Telephony Solution


Elbit Systems’ IRCS is an advanced military communication system enabling direct voice and data communication among command posts and front-line forces. IRCS facilitates direct communication among a broad range of radios and communication devices including VHF, HF and Multi-Channel radio Relays, LAN, WAN, PABX, satellite and cellular networks. IRCS utilizes advanced VoIP (Voice over IP) and RoIP (Radio over IP) technologies.